Peewee VS

tryout registration
Tryouts for the 2020-2021 hockey season will start the week of April 12th. Registered players are guaranteed 3 skates, but the tryout skates can continue past 3 skates if required and there is no additional cost to Players. Our goal is to fill each team with 15 skaters and 2 goalies but circumstances may allow for teams to have less players at the conclusion of tryouts. Any team with less than 15/2 is expected to attempt to fill open spots over the summer/fall. Our preference heading into the season is to have all teams with full rosters but will be dictated on a case by case basis.
The CHILL Hockey Tryout process is as follows.
Offers can be made to players as early as after the first skate.
Offers are valid for 72 hours
Any Player who accepts an offer to play CHILL Hockey before the final tryout, is expected to continue skating with the team for the remainder of tryouts. There could be a situation where signed players are asked to sit out of a skate, scrimmage or exhibition game by the Head Coach to give players battling for open spots more opportunity on the ice.
Because of the timing of our tryouts, offer extensions can be granted for Bantam & Midget Players wishing to tryout for AAA teams and for Novice to Peewee Players looking to attend their local AA or AAA tryouts. Offer extensions will not be granted for anyone looking to tryout for teams at the A level or below.
All above mentioned offer extensions are at the Head Coaches discretion. The Head Coach can also choose to not offer any extensions to players choosing to try out elsewhere. Extensions will not be offered through to any Fall tryouts.
Deposits are required when accepting an offer to play CHILL Hockey.
The cost for tryouts includes a minimum of 3 skates and a tryout jersey to keep. Pricing for tryouts is as follows.
Early Bird Registration $85 (Register before March 13th)
Regular Registration $110 (Register after March 13th)