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Peewee VS
2020-21 coaches
Novice (U9) - Mike Peters
Atom (U11) - TBD
Peewee (U13) - Kris McKillop
Bantam Blue (U15) - Dave Holden
Bantam White (U15) - Shawn Coffell
Midget (18) - Colin Sharman & Mike Peters
This lineup is subject to change. Prior to the start of tryouts, these are the teams we are planning to ice. The number of tryout participants and the skill level of those participants will ultimately dictate how many teams we run and at which divisions.
At this point, we are not planning on an Atom team but if the interest exists for it, we would consider icing an Atom team. If you are interested in Atom hockey (2011 & 2012), please email Or check out our affiliate team the Halton RAGE.
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